Antipasto! I love to eat little samples of things instead of a main meal. This combination was particularly refreshing, especially after eating heavy winter food for awhile. It consists of brussels sprouts roasted with pine nuts, steamed broccoli raab with lemon, and a white bean and tomato salad; all were eaten at room temperature, as is the Italian style, I think. If it is not, then it should be because it's fantastic.

The brussels sprouts I quartered, tossed with salt, walnut oil and pine nuts, and roasted until lightly browned. Walnut oil, by the way, is worth the price every time. I personally don't love olive oil because it's too heavy- walnut oil is very light and flavorful and great on pretty much everything.

I had antipasto at the Metropolitan Museum of Art last month, and I really enjoyed the broccoli there which was just barely steamed. So I steamed this broccoli raab for only a minute or two, so that it was still crunchy, then seasoned it with salt-- the end!
The whitebean salad is also very simple-- boiled beans, salted, tossed with olive oil, cherry tomatoes, and fresh parsley. Delicioso.