Ok, so this one's a real oldy but goody. I believe it began with something I saw Bobby Flay do on Foodnetwork years ago. I have no recollection of the original recipe, but I've been making it this way for 6 years now. You start by tossing some olive oil, chopped garlic and jalopeno slices in the bottom of your soup pot. Once the garlic browns pour in the chicken broth. The next part is one of my favorite things to do in cooking, and that is you have to tear a bunch of tomatoes apart by hand. I don't know why, but squeezing tomatoes makes me happy. Then you add cooked and shredded chicken, avacado and cilantro. After all the ingredients simmer togeather for a while you can taste test and add more jalopenos if necessary.

After the soup is done you can focus on the tortillas. They burn easily and multitasking usually results in a screeching smoke alarm. Simply cut into strips and fry. This time I had my sous chef take control of the tortillas, Good job Chris!
When ready to serve drop a couple tortilla strips in your bowl and enjoy. You can also add cheese or sour cream if your heart desires.