Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fastnacht Day in Savannah

So These are the ones I made with the same recipe Pam used (from our Dutchie mother)I dipped half in chocolate and the other in cinnmon sugar.

For the holes I mixed in poppy seeds and dipped them in a lemon glaze. These I couldn't get to cook all the way through with out over cooking the outside.

I Also made crullers which were freekin awsome!

Here's the recipe:

1 cup water
8Tbs unsalted butter
pinch of salt
1cup flour
4 eggs
vegetable oil
Combine the water, butter, sugar, and salt, in a large saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally so the butter melts. Remove from the heat, add all the flour at once, and stir wiht a wooden spoon until all the flour is incorporated and it forms a ball. Return the pan to medium heat and cook. Stir continuously to evaporte some of the moisture, about 90 seconds.

Scrape the micture into a medium bowl, beat in 3 whole eggs one at t time, making sure they are completely incorporated. Add as much of the 4th egg as neede so that the dough is thick and holds its shap, but falls slowly and steadily from your spoon. It should be smooth and shiny.
Using a pastry bag with a star tip, pipe the dough onto a squares of parchment paper in 3" circles. Heat 3" of oil to 360F . place the crullers (still on their papers) upside down in the oil, After about 15 seconds use tongs to pull off the papers. Turn the crullers until golden brown on both sides, using a skimmer transfer them to a wire rack to drain the oil.
I just piped them right into the oil and set them on paper towels to absorb the oil and it worked just fine.

The first batch I covered with powdered sugar.

and the second I dipped in an orange glaze
(made simply with orange juice and powdered sugar)
