The Blushing Quince
Monday, September 27, 2010
Homemade Pasta and Simple Salad
This is the first post from my new home in Philadelphia! The choice of meal is most fitting for this occasion, since pasta and salad is Pam's and my favorite dinner option. This variation was simply delicious. Because of flour shortage I used baking flour to make the pasta, which actually turned out awsome! It made for a quite springy noodle. I sprawlled them out on tension rods to dry for a bit while I was making bread, which looked "cute," as mark put it. Once cooked to a delightful al dente I tossed them with butter and salt. I sateed mushrooms for my topping and zucchini for Chris. The Salad was an herb mix drizzled with that amazing balsamic (which I'm almost out of and will need to make a trip to Pasquelinas soon, whos in?).
- Jackie
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